Value-added distributor to push adoption of Corsa Security Platform into Middle East and Africa
OTTAWA, ON (Canada) – August 19, 2020 – Corsa Security, leaders in scaling network security, today announced it has signed FVC as a global distributor. By adding the turnkey Corsa Network Security Virtualization Platform to its offering, FVC can enable customers to scale traffic inspection to meet increasing bandwidth demand, making it possible to examine 100% of their traffic, even when encrypted. FVC is an award-winning value-added distributor of enterprise computing solutions, representing both well-established and emerging technology providers. With over 500 transacting partners and particular strength in the Middle East and Africa, FVC is well-positioned to expand the presence of Corsa Security globally.
“When we saw how Corsa Security is transforming network security, we knew we wanted to provide this solution to the global market,” said K.S Parag, Managing Director, FVC. “Our customers – from finance, to healthcare, to service providers – need to be able to adjust their inspection capacity at the touch of a button, in order to cope with the exponential increases in traffic volume and mix, of which most is encrypted. The Corsa Security platform allows them to do that by scaling virtualized next generation firewall (NGFW) arrays with a monthly subscription model.”
“FVC has a reputation for capitalizing on new opportunities ahead of their rivals, and this was a big draw for us,” said Eduardo Cervantes, CEO and Board Chair, Corsa Security. “They take emerging technologies one step further by offering innovative solutions through their vast channels to better serve their customers, no matter the industry. We are excited to see this partnership strengthen our global presence so we can offer our turnkey platform to network security professionals.”
The turnkey Corsa Network Security Virtualization Platform scales traffic inspection for 100% visibility, even encrypted, without degrading performance on high-capacity networks. By tightly integrating virtualization with intelligent orchestration, Corsa Security streamlines deployment, management and operations of virtualized next generation firewall (NGFW) arrays. The Corsa Security platform deploys in an hour and customers can continue to use their preferred security vendors and existing security policies, while behind the scenes it scales virtual firewall arrays on state-of-the-art hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI), specifically optimized for scaling network security.
About FVC
FVC is a value-added distributor (VAD) that provides tangible solutions across vital areas of enterprise – unified communications, unified collaboration, audio-visuals and information security and advanced networking. With more than a decade of expertise in cross-domain services, FVC has more than 500 transacting partners and extensive industry expertise of more than 100 team members. Visit